Call for papers
Submit your request here for a talk you would like to give on the days of the conference.
The FOSSCOMM 2024 organizing committee invites the free and open source communities, as well as any interested parties, to submit their proposals for talks and workshops. The official language of the conference is Greek, but we also accept talks in English. The deadline for submission is 15 September, so that the conference programme can be published in time.
Key topics
The main themes of the conference include topics that the organizing committee felt resonate with the audience and can provide interesting talks. If you would like to give a presentation that you feel does not fit into the existing themes, you can suggest a new theme via the submission form or submit your presentation as a "lightning strike" (see below). Presentations will be 30 minutes max and it is advisable to allow 5 minutes for questions. The workshops do not have a predefined duration and scheduling will be done in consultation with the organization after declaring your preference on the platform.
- Software Engineering - Development
- Artificial Intelligence
- Community Networks
- DevOps
- Open Art
- Open Data
- Open Hardware
- Open Media
- Programming Languages
- Science
- Social / Policies / Legal
- Space
- System Software
- Security
- Web / Mobile technologies
- Metaverse / Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality