Call for Presentations for the FOSSCOMM 2024 Conference

Call for papers image

The FOSSCOMM 2024 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the call for presentation proposals for the annual Open Source and Free Software conference, which will take place on November 9-10, 2024, at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. FOSSCOMM is a unique opportunity for professionals, academics, students, and open-source enthusiasts to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, and promote innovation.

We invite interested individuals to submit their proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Community networks
  • DevOps
  • Open Art
  • Open Data
  • Open Hardware
  • Programming Languages
  • Science
  • Science / Policies / legal
  • Space
  • System Software
  • Security
  • Web / Mobile technologies
  • Metaverse / Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality

Presentation proposals must be submitted by September 15, 2024, through the official FOSSCOMM 2024 conference website – Call for papers. Each proposal should include:

  • Title
  • Presentation File
  • Presentation Summary (ideally around 300 words)
  • Duration of the Presentation (not to exceed 30 minutes, with a suggested 5 minutes allocated for audience questions)
  • Type of Presentation (related topic)
  • Full Name of the Speaker
  • Contact Information (email)

All proposals will be evaluated by the Review Committee, and the selected speakers will be notified accordingly. Speakers will have the opportunity to present their work to an audience that is actively interested in open-source software and technology.

We invite you to participate in this dynamic and inspiring conference, contributing to the strengthening of the open-source community.

For more information and to submit your proposals, please visit our website FOSSCOMM 2024 – Call for papers, or contact us at or

The Organizing Committee of FOSSCOMM 2024

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