Frequently Asked Question


FOSSCOMM (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) is an annual conference for Free Software. It is organized by the Greek Free Software community in a different city every year. The purpose of the conference is to promote the idea of Free Software and to strengthen the relations of the Free Software community.

We want to support the conference. How can we contact you?

To support the conference you can contact us via email at info@fosscomm.gr. As soon as we receive your message we will contact you directly.

I want to give a presentation on a topic on open source software what should I do?

If you would be interested in giving a talk at our conference all you have to do is fill out the application form by clicking on the option from the "Submit Presentations" menu. After all applications have been evaluated you will be notified

Is there a charge to attend the conference?

There is no charge. It is a conference about Open and Free Software. Admission is FREE!

Will I receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the conference?

If you would like proof of attendance, please send an email to info@fosscomm.gr to indicate your wish. A member of the committee will contact you.